In the cold war of tax negotiations, the hostages are licensed open carry of handguns and border security—topics that are bound, gaged and held in committee. Is either chamber willing to shoot the hostages to get its way? Get your candles. We’re starting a vigil.

Open carry

SB 17 – The House received the open carry bill from the Senate on March 18, and it was not referred to the committee on homeland security until May 5. 


HB 910 – The Senate received the bill on April 21. It was referred to the Senate State Affairs security committee on May 6. 

Border security

HB 11 – Received by the Senate on March 23 and referred to the Senate border security committee on March 25. 

SB 3 – The House received the bill on April 21 and referred it to the homeland security committee on May 5. 


Bring up the spooky music with a driving beat like an anxiously thumping heart.

Please, feel free to add other hostages in the comment section.