There’s a new definition of gun nuts

During the Texas Senate debate over the open carrying of handguns by license holders, Senator Craig Estes of Wichita Falls suggested that anyone who is afraid of guns needs to get psychiatric help.

Senator Sylvia Garcia of Houston told bill sponsor Estes that “I can tell you nothing is putting more fear in some of my seniors than some of that crazy gun stuff, and that’s what they call it.” She said there are a lot of people afraid of having pistols openly carried in an urban setting. Estes replied that fear is unfounded.


“Human beings have a lot of fears. I don’t know what it is called, a phobia of just seeing a gun on a person,” Estes said.

“It’s called human nature, I think,” Garcia replied.

“I don’t have that phobia myself,” Estes said. “If someone has that phobia, sincerely, clinically, I would think they would need to get help.”


Prevarication is probably too big a word for the House

During a House debate on border security this week, sponsor Dennis Bonnen took on Jonathan Stickland over whether the bill actually secures the border. Bonnen argued that the legislation is designed to bring consistency to border law enforcement, not to turn Texas into the immigration police. Stickland implied that the bill is misleading Texans into believing a secure border will result.

“Would it be disingenuous for me to tell someone that this bill secures the border between Texas and Mexico?” Stickland said.

“Disingenuous?” Bonnen said.


 “I’m just concerned that we are going to pass this bill and maybe appropriate some money and try and go back home and tell folks the border is secure…Tell me if there is in the bill anywhere that allows our law enforcement to actually enforce the border and possibly deport an illegal immigrant.” Stickland said.

Bonnen responded in a manner that in centuries past might have led to a duel: “Mr. Stickland, let me very clear with you. I tell my constituents the truth, and I haven’t told my constituents we’re going to secure the border with this.”