
Reporting and analysis about the business and innovations of technology in Texas
News & Politics|
April 1, 1998

Snoop Dreams

We all know how great the World Wide Web is for snooping: In a few minutes online you learn Hollywood’s secrets from Harry Knowles’ site or get the latest dirt on the president from Matt Drudge. But did you ever consider that people could be looking over your shoulder when

December 1, 1997

Crime Pays

He hasn’t been able to find his father’s killer, but Austinite David Wheeler’s computer programs are catching lots of other crooks.

June 30, 1997

“Boom” Is a Four-letter Word

No one will admit we’re in the middle of one, even as the economy surges. How come? Because the last time we had it this good, bragging only hastened the arrival of another four-letter word: “bust.”

June 30, 1997

Corporate Makeover

EDS, the company Ross Perot imbued with his own conservative image, is designing Internet sites for magazines like Elle. What a tangled Web we weave.

Arts & Entertainment|
April 30, 1997

Mission Accomplished

The newest game from Dallas’ Digifx Entertainment is ready for prime time. In Mission to Nexus Prime, whose storyline has been crafted by Star Wars author Timothy Zahn, you command your troops through a series of battles to gain control of planet Nexus Prime and its complex network of wormholes

April 1, 1997

Patrick Curry, Luis Borromeo, and Richard Worley

In the youth-oriented world of Web page designers, calling someone young is really saying something—but these guys are young. Before any of them is old enough to drink, in fact, the cyberwunderkinder who run two-year-old Zero Factor Interactive (ZFI) have garnered an impressive roster of clients, including Who bassist John

Film & TV|
December 1, 1996

Viz Kids

Texas A&M is churning out a new crop of students who aren't farmers or vets. They're the computer aces of the Visualization Lab, and they're Hollywood's new masters of special effects.

September 30, 1996

Reality Bytes

Origin Systems founder Richard Garriott has sometimes lived his life like a computer game, but now that the multimedia industry is changing, he can’t play around anymore.

April 30, 1996

7th Heaven

What do Monty Python, the Lion King, Ace Ventura, and Howie Mandel have in common? They’re all part of 7th Level’s strategy to marry show biz with the computer-game biz.

News & Politics|
April 1, 1996

Wafer Madness

Inside a state-of-the-art semiconductor factory, a day’s work is never done, as technicians race to build smaller, faster, and more-powerful computer chips.

News & Politics|
January 1, 1996

Walken Tall

If you can’t get enough of creepy character actor Christopher Walken, boot up The Darkening, one of this year’s CD-ROM releases from Austin’s Origin Systems. Walken, like John Hurt and Amanda Pays, plays one of the fifty characters who meet up with the game’s hero, an amnesiac who roams the

News & Politics|
January 1, 1996

When futuristic felons invade their midst, Austin’s computer firms know whom to call: the city’s high-tech police unit, which is building its reputation chip by chip.

April 1, 1995

Net Worker

When Susan Hadden was murdered, the country lost a visionary thinker on the information highway and the Internet.

January 1, 1995

Is MCC Obsolete?

Twelve years and hundreds of millions of dollars later, the vaunted Austin high-tech consortium is still struggling to find its purpose.

June 30, 1994

Machine Dreams

David Greelish of El Paso is nostalgic about technology, so he collects the antiques of the future—computers.

April 30, 1994

Housing Authority

With high-tech wiring, a Smart House can cook dinner, wash the dishes, and entertain guests. Are you smart enough to live in it.

April 1, 1988

Wonder Plane

Up in the sky, it’s a plane, it’s a helicopter—no, it’s a tiltrotor, the Texas hybrid that will soon revolutionize air travel.

October 1, 1985

The Chips Are Down

The real Texas technology picture is much more intricate than either the mad hype of two years ago or the dire headlines of today make it out to be.

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