After Rick Perry announced that he is suspending his 2012 presidential campaign, how much news coverage did you absorb? Test your knowledge with this (not-terribly difficult, not-terribly serious) quiz.

1. The person who most influenced Perry’s decision to bow out was:

A) Anita Perry


B) Joe Allbaugh

C) Stephen Colbert

D) RedState blogger Erick Erickson

2. After making his anoucement, the governor immediately endorsed:


A) Ron Paul. Texans gotta stick together.

B) Rick Santorum. Ricks gotta stick together.

C) Mitt Romney. Great hair’s gotta stick together.

D) Newt Gingrich. But they’re both allowed to see other candidates.


4. Which of the following is not a real quote from the Houston Chronicle‘s roundup of reactions to Perry’s announcements:

A) “Perry will continue to be a force to be reckoned with during the final three years of his present term in office.” — Rice University professor Mark Jones

B) “My hope is that he will be a better governor . . . I affectionately like the guy. He is a very kind-hearted individual in personal relationships but policy-wise, we have serious, serious disagreements.” — State sentator Leticia Van de Putte

C) “Governor Perry is leaving the race on a high note after his best debate performance. He brought a lot of fresh ideas to the debate and his policy presence will be felt as the campaign continues.” — U.S. representative Kevin Brady

D) “I am proud to have campaigned for Rick Perry, and will be even more proud to succeed him in 2014.” — Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

5. Which of the following settings did not play a crucial role in Perry’s campaign over the last 24 hours:

A) Wendy’s

B) The Hyatt Place hotel

C) Bob Jones University

D) Texas

6. True or False:

From Politico: “The Texas governor’s entrance to the race this summer was greeted with far more, and far more positive, media coverage than any other candidate.”

7. True or False:


From Slate: The Perry campaign was a “victim of the drive-by shootings of the mainstream and liberal media.”

8. Fill in the blank:

From the Washington Post: “[Perry] took a campaign that could have been a minor failure of the Pawlenty sort and made it into the ‘_____ Turn Off The Dark’ of the GOP field. It was the fiasco that became a six-figure debacle. More money! More ads! More!”

9. Fill in the blank:

Perry’s next election will be . . .



1. D

2. D

3. Oops.

4. D


5. D

6. True, according to the Pew Research Center.

7. True, according to Perry’s South Carolina campaign chair.

8. Spiderman

9. 2014? 2016? This year as VP? Your guess is as good as any.