Ron Paul’s got the Romney vote locked up in Idaho. Well, some people by the name of “Romney,” anyway.

As David Grant of the Christian Science Monitor‘s DC Decoder blog reported, the Paul campaign sent out a press release trumpeting the endorsements of Ty Romney, Travis Romney, Chad Romney, Troy Romney, and Jared Romney, all Mormon residents of Idaho or nearby states–and some of whom are actually related to Mitt Romney.

Three of them will stump for Paul in Idaho during today’s caucuses, including Travis, a Spokane, Washington, chiropractor who is Mitt Romney’s second cousin once removed, and Troy, a University of Utah student whose grandfather was cousins with Romney’s father George. 


“A funny way for Ron Paul’s campaign to battle the (largely true) narrative that it’s working hand-in-glove with Mitt Romney,” wrote Dave Weigel of Slate, who is referring to the Paul-Romney alliance.

Since Idaho is a place with both a large Mormon population and a fierce libertarian streak, this is also Paul’s way of embracing the former demographic. What the campaign calls its “active Latter-day Saints for Ron Paul coalition” even has a Facebook page. But most pundits agree that Idaho will go to Romney. As Scott Clement of the Washington Post noted, the former Massachusetts governor had the near-unanimous support of his fellow Mormons in both Nevada and Arizona. 

Paul’s campaign has also welcomed the endorsement of one of Rick Santorum’s young nephews, who penned a pro-Paul column for the Daily Caller back in January. 

To counter Ty, Travis, Chad, Troy, and Jared, the Romney campaign is sending a much closer relative to represent him in the Treasure State, reported Dan Popkey of the Idaho Statesman: Mitt’s 35-year-old son Josh will make appearances in Boise and Nampa. 

But why stop there? Romney ought to pick up some Pauls of his own. We suggest his campaign go hard after:


1. Chris Paul
With the Los Angeles Clippers now hotter than the Lakers, the star point guard could help Romney in Southern California.

Oh, but never mind: “CP3” did a commercial for Barack Obama‘s Vote For Change campaign in 2008, and a fundraiser for the president last year. 

2. Aaron Paul
Having played a a nice young man on Big Love, HBO’s Mormon polygamy soap opera, the Emmy-winning actor seems a perfect fit.


On the other hand, he’s better known for playing a methamphetamine addict on AMC’s hit Breaking Bad.

3. Vinnie Paul
The Abilene native and former Pantera drummer seems a lot more Ron’s speed, but who’d have thought Ted Nugent would go for Mitt? It never hurts to ask. 

4. Mrs. Paul
Like Mitt Romney, frozen fish sticks are bland, reliable, and never-changing.