Greg Abbott

301-350 of 409 Articles
Politics & Policy|
December 29, 2014

A Path to Medicaid Expansion?

It appears that Governor-elect Abbott is considering some form of Medicaid expansion. If this is indeed the case, it is incredibly good news for Texas. Rick Perry’s rejection of Medicaid expansion was petulant and extremely damaging to the state. The cost of expansion to the state is miniscule (mainly covering

Politics & Policy|
October 17, 2014

Greg Abbott and the DMN

To the surprise of no one, the Morning News has endorsed Greg Abbott for governor. It is a choice that I won’t criticize. But I will raise this red flag: that Wendy Davis has uncovered serious issues about Abbott’s character and lack of empathy for Texans who have

Politics & Policy|
October 2, 2014

The Home Stretch

I’m not surprised that the race for governor has tightened according to the recent Lyceum Poll. This is a contest between two candidates who have the support of large constituencies that stretch far beyond Texas. Abbott is among the state’s most prominent attorneys and is no stranger to

Politics & Policy|
September 29, 2014

The Fallout From the Enterprise Fund

When one looks at the wheeling and dealing that went on with the Texas Enterprise Fund, my question is this: Why is it not an impeachable offense? These folks used the Enterprise Fund for their private playground. They awarded $222 million to entities that, according to the Dallas Morning News,

Politics & Policy|
September 22, 2014

Weighing in on the Debate

Alas, I was out of the state for the Texas gubernatorial debate on Friday evening, but having watched the replay, I can’t say that I missed much. As debates go, I found it relatively low-wattage. Both candidates were articulate and reasonably polite to their opponents, though I thought Davis

Politics & Policy|
September 2, 2014

Another Round of School Finance

It is all but certain that Attorney General Greg Abbott will appeal Judge Dietz’s school finance ruling. It’s classic Abbott. He has to win, even if he realizes that he is going to lose.But the Legislature’s treatment of the schools during the 2011 session all but guarantees a loss for Abbott.

Politics & Policy|
August 4, 2014

The Modern World

Wouldn’t it be nice if Texas were to catch up to the modern world, for once? I’m addressing the issue of same-sex marriage here. What’s the use of fighting for a policy that without question violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection of the laws? In fairness to Greg

Politics & Policy|
April 7, 2014

The Pre-K Wars

UPDATE: This post has been edited to correct errors related to the candidates’ position on pre-K and public education. I regret the error.Why does pre-K matter? The answer is that professional educators wouldn’t be so gung-ho about pre-kindergarten instruction unless they saw the huge value – both in terms of

March 27, 2014

Greg Abbott Enters Fray in Lawsuits Involving “Sociopath” Doctor

The story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch—the North Texas neurosurgeon responsible for the death of two patients and the paralysis of four others—saw an interesting twist this week when the current Attorney General and gubernatorial hopeful used his office to intervene in three lawsuits against the hospital that allowed him to

Politics & Policy|
February 5, 2014

Greg Abbott and the Border

Attorney general Greg Abbott’s $345 million border security plan is almost certainly doomed to fail. The border region is so huge and comprises so many millions of acres that it defies the ability of state government to enforce whatever security issues may arise. Every Republican candidate this election cycle has

Politics & Policy|
January 10, 2014

The Man in the Arena

In the brief time Ted Cruz has been a senator, he has managed to convince half the country that he is a true patriot and the other half that he is a dangerous nutcase. What will he do next?

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