John Cornyn

51-68 of 68 Articles
Politics & Policy|
January 20, 2013

You’re Rick Noriega. Do You Approve This Message?

Since the Republicans took over Texas, every plausible Democratic candidate for high statewide office has been the subject of an obligatory profile in Texas Monthly. Here’s yours—only it’s a bit different. It’s a memo containing loads of free advice—the kind you can afford—on how you can beat John Cornyn.

Politics & Policy|
November 30, 2011

Shuffling races in the Coastal Bend

The last couple of days has been very active for races in Nueces County. Instead of running against Connie Scott, with whom he is paired, Raoul Torres decided to move to Kleberg County and run against former Democratic representative Abel Herrero in District 34. But the local Republican establishment isn’t

Politics & Policy|
July 19, 2010

Cornyn, Sessions fail to impress on Meet the Press

The two Texans who chair the Republican campaign committees in their respective houses — Senator John Cornyn and congressman Pete Sessions — appeared on “Meet the Press” yesterday along with their Democratic counterparts to discuss their party’s strategy for the November elections. [For a full report on the discussion from

Politics & Policy|
April 28, 2009

Specter switches parties; D’s filibuster-proof

This happened on John Cornyn’s watch as chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. While Cornyn did his best to help Specter by urging Pennsylvania congressional Republicans to support him, as I noted in a previous post, his plea fell on deaf ears. The conservatives effectively drove him out of

Politics & Policy|
April 20, 2009

Cornyn appeal for Arlen Specter falls on deaf ears

Cornyn, who is chairman of the National Republican Senate Committee and a staunch conservative, finds himself in the unusual position of supporting one of the GOP’s most liberal senators. Cornyn has urged Pennsylvania Republicans to support the 80-year-old incumbent’s bid for reelection in 2010. Specter faces a rematch with conservative

Politics & Policy|
December 18, 2008

Abbott for Senate?

The Quorum Report today reports that the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call has a story saying that John Cornyn is encouraging Greg Abbott to join the Senate race to serve out the remainder of Kay Bailey Hutchison’s term. I was surprised to see this. Abbott supposedly has ruled out a

Politics & Policy|
October 22, 2008

Chronicle Endorses Noriega

No, that’s not the Austin Chronicle. It’s the Houston Chronicle. The main reason that the Chronicle gives for the endorsement is one from the distant past of Texas politics, when bringing home the bacon was more important than ideology: that the Democrats are going to be the majority party and

Politics & Policy|
June 30, 1998

Situation Wanted

Headline: Situation Wanted by Evan SmithThe revolving door between politics and the media is swinging furiously in New York and Washington, D.C., so why should it be any different in Austin? In this year’s race for attorney general, for instance, the major party candidates have hired journalists as their spokespersons:

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