Rick Perry

251-300 of 555 Articles
Politics & Policy|
December 2, 2011

What is Perry’s message?

Perry’s recent comments in New Hampshire about federal bureaucrats–that he would send them to “some really god-awful place” if he failed to implement his policies–may not seem like a big deal, but it does indicate something important: how far he has strayed off-message. Remember, this is a candidate whose

Politics & Policy|
December 1, 2011

Split Deception

Democrats refuse to acknowledge how wildly successful we are at creating jobs. Republicans misunderstand how we’ve done it. Here’s what everyone should know about the Texas Miracle—before it’s too late.

December 1, 2011

Up in the Air

No state has defied the federal government’s environmental regulations more fiercely than Texas, and no governor has been more outspoken about the “job-killing” policies of the EPA than Rick Perry. But does that mean we can all breathe easy?

Web Exclusive|
December 1, 2011

A Q&A With Nate Blakeslee

The senior editor on why Texas has taken the lead in fighting new EPA air pollution regulations and what will become the fuel of choice for the next generation of power plants in Texas and around the country.

Politics & Policy|
November 6, 2011

Poll update 11/6

These are the latest available polls in key states for the Republican primary: U.S. Republican Primary (Rasmussen) 11/2 Cain 26% Romney 23% Gingrich 15% Perry 8% Iowa  Caucus (Insider Advantage) 11/6 Cain 30% Romney 15% Gingrich 12% Paul 9% Bachmann 8% Perry 6% Santorum 2% Huntsman 2% Iowa Caucus (Des

Politics & Policy|
October 31, 2011

Left Behind

Rick Perry’s stumbles on the national stage have inadvertently highlighted the weakness of his opposition back home—Texas Democrats.

Politics & Policy|
October 23, 2011

Where is Bob Perry?

The Huffington Post web site noted yesterday that Rick Perry’s biggest career donor, Bob Perry, has not yet contributed to the governor’s presidential campaign. A likely reason is Rick Perry’s support for legislation that adversely impacts Latinos, such as Voter I.D. laws and sanctuary cities policies. Perry flip-flopped on

Politics & Policy|
October 13, 2011

Why debates matter

It’s not the viewing audience that matters. It’s the conservative commentators who are watching the debate. They are widely read (and listened to) and they are opinion-makers. I was just surfing the Web the other day when I found a Politico article published after the September 11 debate. It

Politics & Policy|
October 6, 2011

Perry camp: no economic plan

I’m not surprised. As I said last when the Daily Beast‘s Jill Lawrence wrote that  Perry needed an economic plan, there is no chance, zip, zero, zilch, none, that Perry would come out with a detailed plan. It’s not what they do. Perry is going to stick to the Carney

Politics & Policy|
October 5, 2011

After the ranch comes … the license plate

Governor Perry faces another hurdle on the issue of race. It is whether the Department of Motor Vehicles should allow specialty license plates that carry the emblem of the Confederate battle flag. Senator Royce West went public with his concerns earlier today. West put out a statement that I will

Politics & Policy|
October 5, 2011

Perry posts a big number

$17.1 million raised in the third quarter fundraising period. This is a very impressive performance. It buys time and staying power through the next rounds of debates and into the early primaries. The accelerated primary schedule benefits candidates with the most money. (The original version of this post said $18.1

Politics & Policy|
October 4, 2011

Poll shows Perry fading in Florida

The Republican War Room poll (Sept. 30), from the Houston Chronicle: Romney 28.2% Cain 23.7% Gingrich 9.8% Perry 9.1% Perry has dropped 15 points in ten days. Florida is arguably the most important state in the country in Republican politics. Texas has more delegates, but Texas is not in

Politics & Policy|
October 3, 2011

Washington Post poll finds more Perry slippage

The sample covers 1,002 adults and covers the dates of September 19-October 2. Repondents were divided into “lean-Republican” voters and “registered voters.” From the Post’s story: After a quick rise in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has experienced an almost equally dramatic decline,

Politics & Policy|
October 3, 2011

It’s now or never for Perry

The next Republican debate, presented by the Washington Post and Bloomberg News, will be held on October 11 at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Charlie Rose will be the moderator. Here is the official statement by the sponsors: The Washington Post-Bloomberg debate will focus on the issues voters say

Politics & Policy|
October 3, 2011

Is Fox News getting less enamored with Perry?

A Perry supporter with ties to the campaign observes that Perry is not getting the enthusiastic treatment from Fox he has always enjoyed in the past. This could be a function of his struggling campaign, or of the confusion of the Republican primary race, but it could also be (the

Politics & Policy|
October 2, 2011

Redstate defends Perry

Erick Erickson posted this on Redstate.com today: Hugh Hewitt has a good takedown of this. It shows the extent to which the Democrats will go to attack Republicans. Stephanie McCrummen, a Washington Post based reporter formerly stationed in Nairobi has a history of fanning racial flames out of context.

Politics & Policy|
October 2, 2011

The “N-word” Ranch

I am hesitant to opine on things I don't know much about, and so I am loathe to comment on the Washington Post story about what the Post describes as "his family's secluded West Texas hunting camp." The gist of the story, for those unfamiliar with the Post's version,"

Politics & Policy|
October 1, 2011

Perry plummets in 9/29 Fox News poll

Many readers will be familiar with this poll since it has received a great deal of coverage. The poll was posted on September 29. The sample covers 925 registered voters, and there was a smaller subset of likely Republican voters. Romney 23% Perry 19% Cain 17% Gingrich 11% Bachmann 3%

Politics & Policy|
October 1, 2011

Perry running 3rd in Iowa

The poll was conducted by American Research Group (ARG) Sample Size: 600 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of likely Republican caucus goers living in Iowa (517 Republicans and 83 no party (independent) voters). Sample Dates: September 22-27, 2011 Margin of Error: ± 4 percentage points, 95% of the

Politics & Policy|
October 1, 2011

Asking giraffes to fly

Writing in the Daily Beast earlier this week, Jill Lawrence said that the "missing piece" in Rick Perry's presidential campaign was his blueprint for America. Her recommendation was that Perry should make up for his poor debate performances by coming out with a plan: "Rick Perry would be less

Politics & Policy|
September 26, 2011

CNN: Perry 28, Romney 21

A lot of people are writing Perry off after his awful performance in the Florida debate, but this poll was taken AFTER the disastrous debate. Perry is not a good debater. He is no match for his rivals, who know federal issues better than he does, and are much

Politics & Policy|
September 26, 2011

Blood and irony

Does anybody else find it ironic that Perry is faltering because of the rare good deeds that he has done, such as the Dream Act and the HPV mandate? The guy spends ten years being a total hardline conservative with a couple of exceptions, and suddenly his own party is

Politics & Policy|
September 26, 2011

Raising Cain

Could Rick Perry’s stunning loss of the Florida straw poll have been averted? Possibly. The question here is whether the Perry camp was so overconfident that it scheduled him to go to a similar straw poll in Michigan without addressing the delegates in Florida. At the times, Perry and

Politics & Policy|
September 24, 2011

The bush leagues II

I wrote a post yesterday under the headline, “The bush leagues,” in which I said that one reason for Perry’s poor performance in the current campaign is that he has had it too easy in Texas during the last ten years–that he has gotten away with ducking debates and dodging

Politics & Policy|
September 24, 2011

Sullivan blames lawmakers for Perry’s wasteful program

Self-appointed fiscal watchdog Michael Quinn Sullivan blasted legislators  yesterday (9/23) for a spending program that allows the state to attract and subsidize Hollywood filmmakers who wish to make movies in Texas. I find myself in rare agreement with Mr. Sullivan on this point. When I wrote a story about cutting

Politics & Policy|
September 23, 2011

The bush leagues

We like to think that Texas politics is as rough as it gets, but it really isn't. This has been a one-party state since W. defeated Ann in 1994. Perry has had a lot of money spent against him, but he has never been in danger of losing a race

Politics & Policy|
September 22, 2011

Did Perry use the “s” word?

The matter of whether Rick Perry has advocated secession arose on Fox News last night. He insisted that he has never used the s-word, except to refer to signs at tea party rallies that say "SECEDE." As far as I know, he is right. Here is what Perry did

Politics & Policy|
September 20, 2011

T(ea) is for trouble

The Texas tea party's revolt over Rick Perry's immigration stand is, well, revolting. I seldom agree with Perry, but he is right this time--right in a moral sense, but wrong politically. Building a wall will not make Texas a better state. Denying scholarships to the children of immigrants will not

Politics & Policy|
September 17, 2011

Recent polls

New York Times/CBS News (most recent poll) Perry 23 Romney 16 Connecticut GOP primary Quinnipiac U. Romney 37 Perry 19 California GOP Primary Field Poll Romney 28 Perry 20 Virginia General Election Obama 44 Perry 42 Virginia GOP Primary Perry 25 Undecided 20 R0mney 19 President Public Policy Polling Obama

Politics & Policy|
September 15, 2011

Bloomberg poll: Perry 26%, Romney 22%

UPDATE: Note to readers:  Below, I wrote, "I don't see any mystery in these results. Romney figured to gain after Perry's lackluster performance in the Tampa debate." In fact, the poll was taken during the period Sept. 9-12, BEFORE the debate. So Perry's performance in the Tampa debate had no

Politics & Policy|
September 14, 2011

What is Palin up to?

I thought Perry and Palin were buddies. She came to Texas to endorse him against Bill White in December 09. But her “crony capitalism” attack on Perry was an indication that she sees an opening for her to be the nominee. If she can weaken Perry, and he falters, the

Politics & Policy|
September 13, 2011

The Washington Post’s take on the debate

(The author of the following excerpt is Dana Milbank.) The applause identified Rick Perry as the crowd favorite when he took the stage in Tampa for Monday night’s Tea Party debate,  greeting his lesser rivals as “fellas.” But two hours later, those fellas – and a gal from Minnesota –

Politics & Policy|
September 12, 2011

Not Rick Perry’s night

Perry was clearly off his game during the tea party debate. He looked uncomfortable, his face was strained, his combativeness was muted. He looked to me like a man with back pain. I wondered  if he were wearing a brace. I've had back surgery, and it hurt to watch him.

Politics & Policy|
September 10, 2011

Yahoo! columnist criticizes Perry’s Medicaid record

Joe Conason's article contains nothing that is new to those who follow Texas government. It focuses on the Accenture contract and the attempt to save money by privatizing the health care bureaucracy, a scheme that was the brainchild of Arlene Wohlgemuth in the Medicaid legislation of 2003. I thought

Politics & Policy|
September 8, 2011

Perry holds up under fire…sort of

Who won the Republican debate? According to Jennifer Rubin, who writes the "Right Turn" conservative blog for the Washington Post, it was Karl Rove and Dick Cheney: Neither was on the stage, but Karl Rove and Dick Cheney put the Social Security issue front and center. Earlier in the day,

Politics & Policy|
September 7, 2011

What to expect in the GOP debate

I expect Perry to be seen as the winner. All he has to do is just repeat his prepackaged zingers, and he will come off well. Anyway, it won’t be the comments that win the debate; it will be Perry’s TV appearance and persona. As his media guru, David Weeks,

Politics & Policy|
September 4, 2011

Perry as debater

All the papers are running stories today about the upcoming Republican debate at the Reagan Library, which will be Perry's first test. What kind of a debater is he? He was involved in debates against Tony Sanchez in 2002, against Chris Bell, Carole Strayhorn, and Kinky Friedman in 2006, and

Politics & Policy|
August 30, 2011

Sign of the times

St. Catherine Episcopal Church sign <p style="color: #303333"><strong><a href="https://whiskeyriver.dev/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Durney-profile.jpg"><img class="alignleft wp-image-530874" src="https://whiskeyriver.dev/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Durney-profile.jpg" alt="Durney profile" width="300" height="417" /></a>Owner/Pitmaster:</strong> <a href="https://whiskeyriver.dev/bbq/jerk-baby-back-ribs/" target="_blank">Hometown Bar-B-Que</a>; Opened 2013</p> <p style="color: #303333"><strong>Age:</strong> 42</p> <p style="color: #303333"><strong>Smoker:</strong> Indirect Heat Wood-Fired Pit</p> <p style="color: #303333"><strong>Wood:</strong> Oak and Cherry</p> Billy Durney is all New York, but he

Politics & Policy|
August 30, 2011

Not like other politicians

I used to teach a course at the Lyndon B. Johnson school of Public Affairs, for first-year students, called "Policy Development." The metaphor for the course was a cauldron of soup, into which all the issues of the day were dumped. Sometimes these issues floated to the top; sometimes they

Politics & Policy|
August 30, 2011

Another amazing Perry poll (CNN/ORC International)

Perry 27% Romney 14% Palin 10% Bachmann 9% …and so on Perry has doubled up Romney in this poll. The more extreme his rhetoric gets, the more extreme his poll numbers get. Conditions of the poll: Interviews with 1,017 adult Americans conducted by telephone by ORC International on August 24-25,

Politics & Policy|
August 28, 2011

The Statesman discovers Robert Morrow

Ken Herman has a story today about Mr. Morrow’s efforts to dig up dirt about Rick Perry. This includes a full-page ad in the Austin Chronicle soliciting information about Perry’s personal behavior earlier in his career. Readers of this space will recognize Mr. Morrow’s name. He is a frequent commenter

Politics & Policy|
August 28, 2011

Not one to suffer fools gladly

I’m speaking of Steve Ogden, who ripped into Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst and his own Senate colleagues this week in a speech in College Station. What he said was the truth–that Dewhurst was ineffective and that all his colleagues cared about was politics. During the discussions over a school finance bill

Politics & Policy|
August 25, 2011

The Gallup poll

Huge numbers for Perry. He turned Romney’s 23-18 lead into a 17-29 deficit in one month. By region: East: Perry 16%, Romney 17%, Paul 15% Midwest: Perry 23%, Romney 20%, Paul 18% South: Perry 39%, Romney 12%, Paul 9% West: Perry 28%, Romney 22%, Paul 12% Among voters 65+, Perry

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