On February 19, 1982, Ozzy Osbourne rocked the San Antonio Convention Center Arena. It was a good period in the Ozzman’s career, at least creatively. He was a few years out of Black Sabbath, and had released two smash solo albums—Blizzard of Oz and Diary of a Madman. His set list had room for solo hits like “Crazy Train” and “Mr. Crowley,” as well as the Sabbath hits that had originally made him famous. He had one of the more dynamic guitar players in the world, Randy Rhoads, at his side shredding every night.

Personally, though, Osbourne was a mess of alcoholism and addiction, and that night in San Antonio culminated in one of the defining moments in the singer’s career: He peed on the Alamo.

Well, that’s the legend, anyway. As we reported last year, when Johnny-come-lately Alamo-peer Daniel Athens was sentenced to eighteen months in a state jail for the same offense, Osbourne actually peed on the Cenotaph across the street.


Still, that moment has lived on in pop culture infamy. (Here’s an art installation commemorating it!) But it’s also been one of the deeper shames of Osbourne’s life. He was banned from the city for a decade afterward, and when he returned he made a $10,000 donation to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas—then the keepers of the Alamo—as a step toward restitution.

At the time, the San Antonio Express-News reported that Osbourne’s donation was accompanied by the following statement: “We all have done things in our lives that we regret. I am deeply honored that the people of San Antonio have found it in their hearts to have me back. I hope that this donation will show that I have grown up.” A guide at the Alamo interviewed by the Boston Herald in 2003 explained that “everyone believes he urinated on the walls of the Alamo and just went on his merry way. That’s just not true. In fact, he felt terrible about it.”

So just how bad did Ozzy Osbourne feel about peeing on the Alamo? He’s still apologizing for it. As the Express-News reported on Wednesday, Osbourne scheduled an event at the site of the famous mission to once more issue a public apology, this time as part of a documentary series he’s filming with the History Channel.

Ozzy Osbourne will visit the Alamo Thursday to tape a History Channel show where the rock legend will apologize for urinating on the Alamo Cenotaph in 1982, District 1 Councilman Roberto Trevino revealed at a downtown forum Wednesday night.

Trevino declined to say what time Osbourne would be visiting the monument — which he plans to do with his son and a “History Channel” crew — saying they want to keep the spectacle to a minimum.
Trevino declined to say what time Osbourne would be visiting the monument — which he plans to do with his son and a “History Channel” crew — saying they want to keep the spectacle to a minimum.

At the moment, it doesn’t appear that there are any Ozzy fans live-tweeting at the Alamo in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the Prince of Darkness and his camera crew as they film what we’ll call “Ozzy’s Alamo Lament.” But if you have nothing better to do and you’re in San Antonio, there are probably worse ways to spend an afternoon. At the very least, the chance to go full circle, 33 years after the initial Alamo-peeing incident, will make for some must-see TV whenever it airs.