The first hint of a lineup for SXSW Film was released yesterday, and it’s headlined by one of the more compelling stories in sort-of-Texas film in recent years: the crowd-funded Veronica Mars film follow-up to part-time Austinite Rob Thomas’ beloved mid-00’s cult television series. 

That film, whose trailer hit the Internet last week, leads a pack that also include indie auteur-turned-Iron Man director Jon Favreau’s return to smaller, human-scale stories in the star-studded Chef (whose cast includes Dustin Hoffman, Scarlett Johanson, Robert Downey Jr., and Sofia Vergara) and the premiere of Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s sequel to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, with the widely adored astrophysicist in attendance. 


Take a look at the trailer for Veronica Mars below, and rest easy in the knowledge that even if SXSW is just this annoying thing happening somewhere in Austin that you don’t have access to, the movie will see its full release a few days later, on March 14.