1. a, 3; b, 1; c, 2
2. d
3. the horny toad
4. c
5. b
6. XIT
7. c
8. 1936
9. a, 2; b, 5; c, 6; d, 7; e, 1; f, 3; g, 4
10. buffalo
11. Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar was the second president of the Republic of Texas.
12. Pecos Bill
13. Hilton Hotels
14. the King Ranch
15. a
16. Old Yeller
17. b
18. “big”
19. a
20. b
21. b
22. b, e
23. a, e, c, d, b
24. the River Walk
25. the sixth
26. Neiman Marcus
27. Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow
28. It was admitted to the Union.
29. d
30. d
31. a, 3; b, 4; c, 1; d, 2
32. a, 2; b, 3; c, 4; d, 1
33. the Texas Rangers
34. the roadrunner
35. June 19
36. b
37. a
38. e
39. hell (for both)
40. c
41. c
42. It’s redundant (río means “river” in Spanish).
43. Enron
44. b
45. McCrae: Robert Duvall; Call: Tommy Lee Jones
46. the siege of the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco
47. the Chisolm Trail
48. Jackie Kennedy, Governor John Connally, and Nellie Connally
49. a, 4; b, 5; c, 2; d, 6; e, 1; f, 3; g, 7
50. a, 3; b, 4; c, 1; d, 5; e, 2
51. Gilley’s
52. c
53. F
54. c
55. a tuxedo jacket with jeans and boots
56. Karla Faye Tucker
57. the Astrodome
58. a Hispanic girl’s fifteenth-birthday celebration
59. the Buffalo Bills
60. d
61. a, F; b, T; c, F; d, T; e, T
62. No; the “Dr” should have no period.
63. Hud (1963), The Last Picture Show (1971), Lovin’ Molly (1974), Terms of Endearment (1983), Texasville (1990), and The Evening Star (1996)
64. deer hunting season
65. d
66. Michael Dell, Dell Computer
67. a hurricane, Galveston
68. b
69. b
70. c
71. d
72. Corpus Christi
73. Michael Collins
74. a, 4; b, 1; c, 5; d, 3; e, 2
75. a, 3; b, 4; c, 6; d, 2; e, 7; f, 5; g, 1
76. a, F; b, T; c, F; d, T; e, T; f, T
77. triple sec
78. Lone Star
79. a, 2; b, 4; c, 1; d, 3
80. Southwest Airlines
81. Sissy (Spacek and Farenthold)
82. c
83. Tex
84. George W. Bush, Ann Richards, Bill Clements, and Mark White
85. Assault and A. J. Foyt
86. a tumbleweed
87. c
88. c
89. a
90. Cadillac Ranch
91. Texas Instruments
92. bull riding
93. d
94. a, Houston Astros b, Houston Rockets c, Dallas Stars d, Tennessee Titans e, San Antonio Spurs f, Texas Rangers g, Kansas City Chiefs
95. Abraham Zapruder
96. d
97. breeds of cattle
98. Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma
99. the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
100. in Hispanic folklore, the crying ghost of a woman who drowned her children


1. a
2. pink
3. They were all murdered.
4. rice
5. heart
6. foot
7. Aggies
8. “The Midnight Special”
9. Jesus
10. Horton Foote
11. They all have paternally inspired nicknames (“Pa” Ferguson, “Pappy” O’Daniel, and “Dad” Joiner).
12. Kristin Shepard (or Mary Crosby, the actress who played her)


0–17: You are only marginally Tex-ucated, but you get a gold star anyway. Please don’t put it up your nose.

18–57: In the school desk of life, you can carve the phrase “I are smart.” Now, report to the principal’s office for a talk about defacing public property. And pull up those jeans.


58–87: Nice SAT (Stuff About Texas) score—and it didn’t even require an all-nighter! See, hardworking students can have their keg and drink it too.

88–100: Talk about “withstanding ev’ry test”! If you were any sharper, you’d give your own brain a paper cut. Congrats, and hooty-hoot to the family.