Illustration by Ross McDonald

An Abilene man reportedly pulled a gun on his roommate, bound him with tape, robbed him, and then fell asleep, allowing his roommate to break free and call the police.

Firefighters in Leander rescued two cats named Rainbow Cupcake and Mr. Butterworth from a house fire.

Police in Montgomery gave chase to a fourteen-year-old girl who was clocked driving 107 miles per hour.


A child was reportedly bitten by a stranger’s pet monkey at a Buc-ee’s in Terrell.

A burglary suspect returned to the San Antonio house he’d allegedly attempted to rob to yell at the homeowner for shooting at him and then fled again.

Dan McQueen, who quit as Corpus Christi’s mayor after just 37 days in office, announced he is running for the U.S. Senate.

A calf was born in Kerrville that looks just like Kiss front man Gene Simmons in full makeup.


The Houston Police Department announced it will no longer use Whataburger “tents” as crime scene markers.

Waco’s Lake Air softball team won the Little League Softball World Series.

An Austin man died while on a fishing trip in Calhoun County with the pole still in his hands.