
Reporting and analysis about scientific research and innovation in Texas
News & Politics|
November 1, 1996

It Came From Outer Space

The inside story of how industrious NASA scientists discovered signs of life in a Martian rock and boosted the fortunes of the tabloids, Hollywood producers, and even the president.

News & Politics|
July 31, 1995

The Outer Limits

Combining the latest technology with an old-fashioned passion for her work, Austin astronomer Anita Cochran redefined the solar system. Now her star is on the rise.

April 1, 1995

Drug War!

How a small Houston biotech company and a giant California-based rival are battling over who developed what may be a revolutionary cure for asthma and allergies.

May 31, 1991

Animal House

At a Central Texas facility, researchers show lab-raised chimps things their mothers never taught them.

September 30, 1990

The Brain Trust

Computers will finally use commmon sense if an Austin high-tech team can make them think like people.

Politics & Policy|
January 1, 1989


Will Texas’ acquisition of the supercollider increase the state’s clout in Washington? We’d better hope so, because now that we’ve got it, we’ve got to get the money to deliver it

News & Politics|
June 30, 1979

Moon Struck

Ten years ago the Apollo astronauts, technicians and scientists all, landed on the Moon and touched what poets only dreamed. But that touch changed their lives.

August 31, 1978

Laser Days

Lasers have been heralded as the greatest discovery since the computer, but they may be hazardous to your health.

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