
Carol Chapman

13 Articles

January 20, 2013

Horse Sense

Redford, shmedford: If you think the aging Hollywood hunk is anything like the prototypical horse whisperer, you haven’t met Del Rio native Ernesto Rojas Serna.

November 1, 2000

Digital Docs

Austin's VidiMedix has a simple prescription for patients who live miles away from big-city health care: Log on and get well.

Biz Feature|
March 1, 2000

Tech of the Town

How Sanderson, Hamilton, and other small communities are plugging into the high-tech boom.

February 1, 2000

Green Acres

How a retired agribusinessman from Houston is betting the ranch (and the jungles of Mexico) on bamboo.

December 1, 1998

Dow Town

When I was growing up in Lake Jackson, the center of my world was a park owned by my father’s employer. Forty years later, most of it has been sold to a developer, and natives like me are having a chemical reaction.

December 1, 1997

Crime Pays

He hasn’t been able to find his father’s killer, but Austinite David Wheeler’s computer programs are catching lots of other crooks.

November 1, 1995

Time Marches On

Computer-aided choreography, professional composers to score the music, mammoth budgets: At high schools and colleges across Texas these days, marking bands are playing for keeps.

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