2010 Gubernatorial Race 

The Liberal Bunch
October 2010
This ad, set to the tune of the Brady Bunch theme song, details the dates former Houston mayor Bill White met with prominent Democrats, including Barack Obama, Michael Bloomberg, and Hillary Clinton. “All of them have bleeding hearts, like Liberal Bill,” a female chorus sings. This is one of a series of Bill White attack ads that references the Perry-backed website LiberalBill.com.



The Bill White Record
October 2010

This attack ad slams Bill White for his “Washington-style spending” as Houston mayor, claiming that the city suffered $1.7 billion in operating losses under his tenure.


Bill White: The Most Mysterious Liberal in the World
October 2010

In this sepia-tone ad with a jazzy soundtrack, Bill White stands in front of a curtain nervously staring off into the distance as a narrator rattles off White’s alleged sins as Houston mayor, including leaving the city deeply in debt and personally profiting from Hurricane Rita.  



Texas: Open for Business
September 2010

In this ad Rick Perry walks through an office, a hardware store, and a country café while talking about the jobs created in Texas during his tenure as governor. “We’ve created more than 850,000 jobs, more than all the other states combined,” Perry says.

2010 GOP Gubernatorial Primary

10th Amendment
February 2010

Rick Perry accuses Washington of messing with Texas. “We believe that Texans, not federal bureaucrats, know what’s best for our state,” he says.



February 2010

This Rick Perry spot slams U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison for voting for the for the Wall Street bailout. “Senator Hutchison, voting with Washington since 1993.”


Texas Values
November 2009

This commercial touts Rick Perry’s conservative record in Texas. “While Washington gives us politics, Texas delivers results.” 

2006 Gubernatorial General Election 

Chris Bell Is Too Liberal for Texas
October 2006
In this governor’s race advertisement, Perry paints his opponent Chris Bell as a “giant Washington liberal” who has voted for raising taxes and against securing the border.


Making Texas Safer
October 2006
Several border-area sheriffs get on the stump for Rick Perry in this border spot. “We were overwhelmed by drug gangs. Thanks to Governor Perry we now have more vehicles, weapons and additional manpower to protect the border,” says Sheriff Sigi Gonzales of Zapata County. Val Verde County Sheriff D’Wayne Jernigan credits the governor’s border security plan for his county’s sixty percent drop in crime.



Texans Deserve Good Jobs
October 2006
In this ad, filmed inside a high-tech factory and a chemical plant, Rick Perry celebrates his record of job creation, holding that 600,000 jobs have been created in three years. “Texans deserve good jobs, fiscal responsibility, and unlimited opportunity,” Perry proclaims.


Education Is My Highest Priority
September 2006
Rick Perry, walking through an elementary school library, plugs his education record. “Public school funding, student achievement, and standards are all up. I’m proud of Texas schools,” he says, adding that education funding has increased by $9 billion since he took office.


Keeping Texans Safe
September 2006

Perry asserts that if Washington won’t protect Texas’s borders, then Texas will. “Here along the Rio Grande we’re funding a border-wide crime patrol effort, led by local law enforcement,” Perry says, standing in front of the river.


Proud of Texas
August 2006 
Bluebonnets, longhorn cattle, the Alamo, and a cowboy all make an appearance in this 30-second love letter to the Lone Star State. “I’m proud of Texas. How about you?” Perry asks, turning away from the granite dome of the Texas Capitol to face the camera. 


1990 General Election for Agriculture Commissioner

Rick Perry for Agriculture Commissioner
In his first statewide race, Rick Perry jumps into the saddle as the man from Paint Creek. The narrator plugs him as the “only farmer-rancher on the ballot” as Perry, donning a cowboy hat, rides off into the sunset. “Rick Perry is a born leader,” the narrator says, “and a Texan who shares our values and beliefs.”

Race to Win
1990 to 2006
Sometimes Rick Perry’s campaign does the media’s aggregation work for us! This seven-minute clip from 2006 contains thirteen ads spanning Perry’s political career, from his first statewide race to his second run for governor. The second ad is a real gem that includes Perry’s visit to a sausage factory (no, not the legislature, but J & B Sausage in Waedler), where he talks about jobs he created at the factory as agriculture commissioner. A later ad has both Bush 41 and Bush 43 getting on the stump for Perry during his 1998 race for lieutenant governor. In another ad, a small boy thanks Rick Perry for improving Texas schools. “I’m going to make it to college, thanks to Governor Rick Perry,” he says. In another ad Perry returns to his childhood home of Paint Creek, where he learned the conservative values that he says are now “branded in my heart.”