Dick Cheney

1-12 of 12 Articles
Politics & Policy|
January 20, 2013


Has it only been one year since George W. Bush left the White House? A snapshot of the forty-third president and his inner circle at the height of their power.

Politics & Policy|
June 3, 2010

PR according to BP

First, CEO Tony Hayward says he wants his life back from the oil spill. (We’d like our ocean back.) Then Randy Prescott of BP Houston observes, “Louisiana isn’t the only place that has shrimp.” Prescott’s name and phone number have been spread over the Internet. Then BP decides to hire

Politics & Policy|
December 7, 2009

KBH: the 2nd TV spot

The title is “Texas Tough.” The spot opens with Hutchison in an ag setting, shaking hands with farm and ranch types. Then she appears standing at a microphone. Behind her four people are arrayed, with a fifth barely visible in the shadows. This is the unhappiest-looking collection of people I

Politics & Policy|
November 13, 2009

What I said on WFAA

Earlier this afternoon, I went to KVUE, the Belo station in Austin, to tape a TV interview with WFAA (Dallas) reporter Brad Watson about the governor’s race. Afterward, I learned that Kay Bailey Hutchison had said that she wouldn’t resign her seat until after the March 2 Republican primary. Watson

Politics & Policy|
October 28, 2009

Dick Cheney to campaign for Hutchison

Is this good or bad? This is a guy who left office with a 19% approval rating. The report comes from the NBC affiliate for the Metroplex: The battle for conservative credibility in the GOP race for governor just got interesting. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, an outspoken critic of

Bum Steers|
January 1, 2007

The 2007 Bum Steer Awards

It was a year of aggrieved actors, banned boobs, Cuban commodes, DeLay denial, errant Elmo, frisky floaters, grouchy governors, hung hoopsters, immigration insensitivity, job-seeking judges, klobbered Karl, Longhorn lushes, miffed musicians, nude no-no’s, ousted Osteens, peeved passers, quarreling queens, riled Rangers, subpar sheriffs, tiny “terrorists,” unseemly URLs, vice presidential violence,

Editor's Letter|
January 1, 2007

Our Cover Is Blown

IT WILL SHOCK AND DISTURB YOU—OR MAYBE it won’t—to learn that there are no original ideas in the magazine business; there are only good, worthwhile, creative riffs on original ideas. All of us who assign stories know what we like, and our job is to figure out how to do

Bum Steers|
January 1, 2001

The 2001 Bum Steer Awards

A year of alarming art, befuddled bus drivers, crustacean confiscators, demanding donors, entomological eats, feckless felons, garbled George W., hideous headgear, inspirational ice cream, juiced journalists, KKK kiss-offs, Lubbock lampooners, mucho manure, nada nudity, oafish officials, P.O.'d policemen, quirky queens, raunchy Republicans, shapely sideburns, thanatological toys, used uniforms, vampire vanquishers,

September 30, 1998

Pay Check

Michael Dell earned nearly $34 million in 1997. Was he worth it? Find out in our roundup of the most overpaid and underpaid CEOs in Texas.

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