John Connally

1-27 of 27 Articles
Texas Primer|
January 20, 2013

Leon Jaworski

At what age was Leon Jaworski the youngest lawyer in the history of Texas?

Politics & Policy|
September 27, 2009

Ben Barnes weighs in on JFK’s trip to Texas

The former lieutenant governor called to say that the reason for Kennedy’s trip to Texas in November 1963 was not because he was worried about the feud between U.S. Senator Ralph Yarborough and Governor John Connally, or Don Yarborough’s role in it. Rather — and he says he was involved

Politics & Policy|
November 1, 2003

The Witness

For forty years Nellie Connally has been talking about that day, when she was in that car and saw that tragedy unfold. She’s still talking—and now she’s writing too.

Politics & Policy|
July 31, 1999

Alone Together

No one denies that there was love at the center of Lady Bird Johnson’s marriage to LBJ. But like Hillary Clinton, she endured quite a bit, spousally speaking, as her husband’s star was on the rise.

Politics & Policy|
January 1, 1998

Who killed the Texas Democratic party?

AT LEAST DAN MORALES knew that the mere proclamation he was going to have a press conference was not likely to stop the world in its tracks. The night before and all that morning, some supporters, as well as the attorney general himself, were busy calling around to say that

Politics & Policy|
April 30, 1974

Connally Stumps Ohio

From former Dallas Times Herald reporter Tracey Smith comes this report of former governor John Connally on the banquet circuit in Bowling Green, Ohio. Smith is a Kiplinger Journalism Fellow at Ohio State University.Like other converts to a new faith, John B. Connally has become rabidly dogmatic in professing allegiance

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