Tom Leppert

1-17 of 17 Articles
Politics & Policy|
July 5, 2011

The Senate race

Is it even worth writing about? Dewhurst has the money and the name I.D. Tom Leppert has neither. Cruz has a great reputation as a lawyer but little else. Dewhurst has already driven most of the hopefuls out of the race and into contests for Congress–the worst job in American

Politics & Policy|
September 1, 2009

More on Leppert

A colleague in Dallas reports that Leppert had a daylong meeting with the Scott Howell firm, and fundraiser Carol Reed was present as well. This sounds serious. Suggestion: Figure out a response for the certain-to-be-asked question: Why did you change your mind when you said that mayor of Dallas was

Politics & Policy|
September 1, 2009

Can a Leppert change his spots?

Back in July, the Dallas Observer broke the news that mayor Tom Leppert was considering joining the free-for-all that would be the race to fill the seat that Kay Bailey Hutchison has said she will vacate, although she has appeared to back away somewhat from that pronouncement. To this point

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