Robert Gary (R. G.) Ratcliffe’s name first appeared in a newspaper when he was five years old. In what he would later describe as a huge embarrassment to his mother, Ratcliffe managed to shift the family’s parked car into gear and went for a cross-street joyride before striking a neighbor’s house. A five-year-old making off with the family car was enough to attract several local TV stations and the newspaper—and get picked up by the wire service so that it went nationwide, the 1959 equivalent of his story going viral.

After growing up in Dallas, Ratcliffe headed to college at the University of Missouri, where he got a degree in journalism and American history. Then, for more than four decades, Ratcliffe went on to chronicle history, particularly the history of modern-day Texas politics. Ratcliffe will be retiring at the end of the year after having graced the pages and website of Texas Monthly during the final chapter of a stellar career. “I’ve known about him for the last 23 years,” said Texas Monthly editor in chief Rich Oppel, who also was executive editor of the Austin American-Statesman. “I frequently winced when R. G. would beat us to the punch on a breaking story or, worse yet, an investigation.”

While a young reporter with the Florida Times-Union, Ratcliffe covered the trial of serial killer Ted Bundy. After returning to Texas and doing a stint with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Ratcliffe joined the Houston Chronicle’s Austin bureau, where he built a reputation as being one of the best political reporters in Texas. He was one of only three reporters who heard then front-running candidate for governor Clayton Williams make his now-infamous quip comparing rape to rain (“If it’s inevitable, you might as well enjoy it,” Williams said). And he is one of only five reporters listed in the Internet Movie Database entry for the George W. Bush documentary Journeys With George, in which he had a starring role.

R.G. Ratcliffe hanging out in the luggage compartment of a train during the 1988 Michael Dukakis campaign for president.
Ratcliffe hanging out in the luggage compartment of a train during the 1988 Michael Dukakis campaign for president.Courtesy of R.G. Ratcliffe

He began doing work for Texas Monthly in 2011 and became a full-time staffer in 2017. His tenure at Texas Monthly is somehow fitting for a magazine that earned a national reputation thanks, in part, to the political reporting of legendary writer Paul Burka. And while Ratcliffe did not spend as much time at the magazine as Burka, he carried on the Burka legacy of insightful political reporting. Political editor Carlos Sanchez spoke with Ratcliffe about his career, the Texas sport of politics, and his love of history, particularly Texas history.

And here is a collection of some of the most well-read pieces that Ratcliffe wrote for Texas Monthly:

Johnny Hanson/Houston Chronicle/AP

The NRA Calls a Cease-Fire on Austin-Based Yeti Coolers
Stop blowing up your expensive coolers, says the firearms lobby.

Tony Gutierrez/AP

Attorney General Ken Paxton Spread False Information on Austin Bombings
Paxton incorrectly whipped up fear on Sean Hannity’s national television show.

Loren Elliott/Getty

Is Beto O’Rourke a Dead Politician Walking? Or Are the Polls Missing a Democratic Wave?
A new Quinnipiac University poll indicates Republican Senator Ted Cruz will easily defeat Democrat Beto O’Rourke. But could that poll and several others be wrong?

Texas Capitol
Illustration by Anna Donlan

Michael Quinn Sullivan’s Latest Stunt Aims to Undermine Our Democracy
As if anyone needed further proof, MQS’s bogus mailer shows that he is no better than Russian trolls.

Photograph by Deborah Cannon/Austin American-Statesman via AP

A Loose Coalition Is Coming for Dan Patrick—And It’s Not a Bunch of Democrats
Educators and business groups are lining up to defeat some of the Republican senators who give the lieutenant governor his power.

Illustration by Max-o-matic; Dunn: Tim Fischer/Midland Reporter-Telegram

The Power Issue: Tim Dunn Is Pushing the Republican Party Into the Arms of God
The socially conservative Midland oil man has been putting a lot of money into the fight for the GOP’s soul.

Illustration by Max-o-Matic; Valdez: Eric Gay/AP; protest sign: Drew Anthony Smith/Getty

Just How Doomed Is Lupe Valdez?
She made history by becoming the first Latina nominated by a major political party to run for governor of Texas. Will that historic moment become nothing more than a footnote?

Lupe Valdez vs. Andrew White Head vs. Heart Democrats
Illustration by Anna Donlan

Texas Democrats Face a Choice Between Principles and Practicality in the Governor’s Race
After the Houston GLBT Political Caucus and two major newspapers endorse centrist Andrew White, some question support for Lupe Valdez.

Photograph by LeAnn Mueller

Ted Cruz Is (Still) Running for President
As his first term in the U.S. Senate comes to a close, Cruz is already gearing up for the next big election.

John Moore/Getty

President George H. W. Bush Dies at 94
The forty-first president’s death comes less than eight months after that of his wife, Barbara.

Yomiuri Shimbun/AP

Donald Trump and Fellow Republicans Highlight America’s Divisions at Houston Rally
The Republican rally for Ted Cruz was a display of us-against-ourselves politics.